Month: December 2007

  • I photographed an event last month and as I was later editing the images, I noticed something that was once brought to my attention by some random dude on the street moons ago.  I was downtown taking stock photos and had stationed myself on a particular corner.  Several times people commented about what I was doing and in turn I’d ask a few of them if they wanted their photo taken.

    I’d been out there maybe half an hour when this guy passes by me and yells, “You discriminatin’!”  He says that he had been watching me and that I was only taking photos of “females.”  According to him, I should be taking photos of men too.  Naturally, I told him off for minding my business, to which he stated, “Damn, lady.  I was just playin’.”  Of course, this just pissed me off more.

    Well, anyway, when I reviewed my photos from the event, I realized that once I had taken all the necessary main shots and was then able to shoot who and what I wanted, just about all my photos are of women!  Ha!  Dude was right!  My bad, Mr. Intrusive Guy.  I shall be aware of that in the future.

    As for now, here are a few photos of “females” from that evening.

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